Warrant Recall Program Giving Those With Warrants a Break
If you have an outstanding warrant in Yakima County District Court you have a chance to resolve the issue without doing any jail time. District Court officials have started a program called warrant recall. They say COVID-19 has been the problem because it created a scheduling problem and backlogged cases. Some people didn t want to go to the courthouse because of the pandemic. So there s warrants that haven t been served because of the scheduling problems so district officials have created a program to give people a break. During a hearing a judge would be able to set a new court date and cancel the warrant.
Now that Yakima County has been allowed to stay in Phase 3 of the state's reopening plan health officials urge everyone to not drop their guard against
Kids Fish In Event Saturday and Sunday at Sarge Hubbard Park
When the COVID-19 pandemic first started more than a year ago fishing areas were closed and many people who enjoyed a day at the lake were left to stay inside. Camping spots were closed and many areas of the forest were off limits. That s all changed Today with many people now out enjoying a day woods hiking and fishing. Kids love to get out and many have been inside for a long time so they re ready to have some fun and catch some fish. That s where the Yakima Greenway comes to save the day. Even though the pandemic continues kids are invited to enjoy fishing at Sarg Hubbard Park on Saturday and Sunday, April 17 and 18 during the annual Kids Fish In event. The event is held each year at the parks Reflection Pond. Because of the concern about COVID-19 the event is set to happen over two days allowing for proper social distancing and it also allows more kids and families to be involved.
Yakima County will stay in Phase 3 of the state's reopening plan after state officials on Monday announced that three counties in the state will move back to Phase 2