UGANDA S FIGHT AGAINST COVID 19 VIRUS, MAY DWINDLE OR SPARK UNLESS EMBRACED Saturday June 26, 2021 - 07:58:43 in Articles by Super Admin
Share via Social Media UGANDA S FIGHT AGAINST COVID 19 VIRUS, MAY DWINDLE OR SPARK UNLESS EMBRACED - Globally, scientists are camping in Laboratories to find a solution to the Covid-19 pandemic. Sometime in 2020, Dr Patrick Engeu Ogwang, an associate professor of Pharmacy at Mbarara University of Science and Technology (MUST) in Uga - Globally, scientists are camping in Laboratories to find a solution to the Covid-19 pandemic. Sometime in 2020, Dr Patrick Engeu Ogwang, an associate professor of Pharmacy at Mbarara University of Science and Technology (MUST) in Uganda, and a team of other researchers under PHARMABIOTRAC developed a herbal biomedical invention called Covidex.
No longer the devil s lettuce : How the town of Weed embraced weed
19 May, 2021 06:00 AM
7 minutes to read
Taking photos in front of a sign welcoming visitors to Weed, California. Photo / Max Whittaker, The New York Times
Taking photos in front of a sign welcoming visitors to Weed, California. Photo / Max Whittaker, The New York Times
New York Times
For decades, a rural California city winced at the puns. Now it s cashing in. When they see the signs for Weed, carloads of curious travellers veer off the freeway to stop and gawk. They file into gift shops that sell Weed Is So Dope refrigerator magnets and sweatshirts advertising a fictional University of Weed: A Place of Higher Learning.
I spy with my little tie: Which MPs embraced the new tie-optional rules in Parliament?
11 Feb, 2021 01:37 AM
3 minutes to read
Jason Walls is a political reporter for the New Zealand
Just six male MPs decided to break with a more than 160-year tradition this afternoon, opting not to wear a tie in Parliament.
This is despite Speaker Trevor Mallard for the first time giving men the option to go bare-necked in the chamber.
And one minister revealed to media that he didn t want to wear a tie, but that was what his mum expects of him so he will be wearing one every day in the House.