By Liz Hamson2021-05-20T23:00:00+01:00
There may have been plenty of clouds in the sky this week, but the outlook is brighter than it has been for some time.
While the latest step towards the new normal came too late for Debenhams, which closed its doors for a final time on Saturday, it was greeted with a huge sigh of relief by the many restaurants and bars that were unable to reopen until punters were allowed inside again. Ditto the nation’s huggers, who’ve spent more than a year on a strict no-hugs diet and have been throwing Johnson’s “heavy dose of caution” to the wind this week. But there have been no jubilant celebrations. The Covid pandemic has taken too much of a toll on our towns and cities for that, as has become even more evident this week.
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This issue includes:
Opinions: AMHSA President, Mike Burke, considers whether the logistics automation sector has the engineering skills it needs.
Safety: In the first of a series of safety articles, Continental addresses the role that forklift truck tyres play in maintaining a safe warehouse.
Features: FLT and MHE, Order Picking, Information Technology and Goods In/Out.
The Logistics Conference: A recap of last month’s Logistics Conference.
Much more!
Logistics Conference 2021: Supply Chain Resilience Part 1 The SHD Logistics Conference 2021 took place virtually on Tuesday 27th and Wednesday 28th April. On Tuesday, experts from across the logistics sphere shared their knowledge on the topic of supply chain resilience.
Tom Southall, Policy Director at the Cold Chain Federation, began proceedings at the Logistics Conference with an assessment of three key disruptors to the cold storage sector, beginning with the departure of the UK from the European Union. He discussed the political milestones that put pressure on the cold chain, including the ‘worst-case scenario’ for Brexit, Operation Yellowhammer. Hauliers were subject to backlogs of HGVs on key routes due to additional custom checks, and Southall emphasised the ‘carnage’ suffered by food exporters to the EU whose chilled goods expired whilst in transit.
Grace Howarth
Sustainability, the rise in last-mile logistics and the impact of Covid-19 are all major talking points – and with good reason, given how critical the ongoing success of the industrial and logistics sector is to the UK’s recovery as we emerge from the Covid-19 crisis.
However, for all the opportunities, there are also plenty of challenges ahead. Last week, Boris Johnson announced that he had tightened the UK’s greenhouse gas emissions target ahead of COP26 in November. Developers are now under more pressure than ever to rise to the climate crisis challenge. Some are looking at the dilapidation process, which typically sees a lot of unnecessary waste generated.
This issue includes:
The Logistics Conference: A look at this month’s conference, including the agenda, and insight from our headline sponsor, Prologis.
Opinions: Safety as a journey, not a destination, is a widely accepted construct. UKMHA Chief Executive and FLTA Director Tim Waples explores.
Features: Cold Chain: An analysis of the current divers of change in the sector.
Property: E-commerce is being replaced by quick commerce, and it means another surge in demand for last-mile logistics property.
Much more!