The Bengaluru based e-commerce giant- Flipkart, on Friday, June 11 announced that it will be teaming up with the Telangana State Government to lead a collaborative project that is in development. The execution of the drone deliveries of medical and other essential supplies to remote areas in the state will be done under the \'Medicines from the Sky\' project. For this, Flipkart will be using its tech-enabled supply chain and deploy the drones and enable deliveries of medical supplies. The project will be executed with the help of features like geo mapping, routing of shipments and track and trace of
Stephen Chege & Donald Wangunyu appointed to the NSE Board of Directors
The Board of Directors of the Nairobi Securities Exchange (NSE) has announced the following changes in the Board.
1. Retirement of Directors
Mr. Samuel Kimani – former Board Chairman and an Independent Non-Executive Director.
Mr. Bob Karina – Board Vice-Chairman and Director representing Trading Participants.
Mr. Hosea Kili – Independent Non-Executive Director.
Mrs. Nasim Devji – Non-Executive Director representing Listed Companies.
2. Re-election of Directors
Ms. Risper Alaro-Mukoto – Independent Non-Executive Director.
Mr. Paul Mwai – Non-Executive Director representing Trading Participants.
3. Election of new Directors
The Board is pleased to announce the appointment of the following to the Board.
Flipkart, India s homegrown e-commerce platform, revealed on Friday that it has formed a collaboration with the Telangana government to develop and implement the Medicines from the Sky project.
Flipkart, India s homegrown e-commerce marketplace, on Friday announced its partnership with the Telangana government to lead a consortium tasked with the development and execution of the drone deliveries of medical supplies to remote areas .