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The Best Day Trips to Take From Denver This Summer

5280 The Best Day Trips to Take From Denver This Summer There are 27 weekend days this summer. Here s what to do during each one of them. Nicholas Hunt •   If you’re like us, there’s only one thing on your mind after the winter we’ve had: Get. Me. Out. Of. This. House. Which is why we’ve rounded up 27 of the Front Range foothills’ best escapes, one for every weekend day this summer plus a few experts to help guide you through new adventures. 1. Kent Mountain Adventure Center’s Via Ferrata | Estes Park Rock climbing can be as scary as it is thrilling unless you’re tackling Kent Mountain Adventure Center’s (KMAC) two-year-old via ferrata in Estes Park. Italian for “iron path,” this style of mountaineering allows almost anyone to ascend sheer cliffs along metal ladders sunk into the stone while clipped onto safety wires.

Ten Colorado Bars With Great Views

1-888-843-6474 Best known as a concert venue, the Mishawaka is perched on the banks of the Cache la Poudre River about thirty minutes northwest of Fort Collins. While catching a show here is the most popular way to experience the Mish, heading up for a drink when there s no event on the schedule will give you the chance to enjoy the river view in all its glory and you ll even be able to score a parking spot that you don t have to hike to.  Keep Westword Free. Since we started Westword, it has been defined as the free, independent voice of Denver, and we would like to keep it that way. Offering our readers free access to incisive coverage of local news, food and culture. Producing stories on everything from political scandals to the hottest new bands, with gutsy reporting, stylish writing, and staffers who ve won everything from the Society of Professional Journalists Sigma Delta Chi feature-writing award to the Casey Medal for Meritorious Journalism. But with local journalis

5 MUST Do Colorado Summer Road Trips

5 Must-Do Colorado Summer Road Trips It s that time of year. The weather is beautiful (for the most part), the roads in the high country are starting to clear out, and it s time to explore. We here in Colorado are blessed with some of the most incredible scenery in the world and not just that but different types of scenery as well all over the state and there s no better time to explore that scenery than during the summer. According to Trips to Discover, these particular road trips are filled with adventure, fun and of course: views. One of my favorite things to do in the summer is get in the car, start driving, and see where I end up. Now, with this being my first full summer here in Colorado with my family, we are going to be planning (at least a little bit) to hit a couple of these road trips, and at LEAST to take in everything that this wonderful state has to offer.

5 Must-Do Colorado Summer Road Trips

5 Must-Do Colorado Summer Road Trips It s that time of year. The weather is beautiful (for the most part), the roads in the high country are starting to clear out, and it s time to explore. We here in Colorado are blessed with some of the most incredible scenery in the world and not just that but different types of scenery as well all over the state and there s no better time to explore that scenery than during the summer. According to Trips to Discover, these particular road trips are filled with adventure, fun and of course: views. One of my favorite things to do in the summer is get in the car, start driving, and see where I end up. Now, with this being my first full summer here in Colorado with my family, we are going to be planning (at least a little bit) to hit a couple of these road trips, and at LEAST to take in everything that this wonderful state has to offer.

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