In the first part of a long-heralded suite of reforms to leasehold property law in England & Wales, the UK government has introduced a draft Bill which is intended to consign to history.
UK Parliament
Lords debates Leasehold Reform (Ground Rent) Bill
21 May 2021 2021
The House of Lords will debate the main purpose of the Leasehold Reform (Ground Rent) Bill during second reading, on Monday 24 May.
The purpose of the Leasehold Reform (Ground Rent) Bill is to to set future ground rents to zero for new leases to make leasehold ownership fairer.
Lords debate
Members of the House of Lords will discuss the key areas of the bill in the second reading debate, from 2pm. For example:
the restriction of ground rent
new long residential leases, only permitted to charge a peppercorn rent (which has zero financial value) and the prohibition of charges relating to peppercorn rents