WWE Has Changed Its Policy For COVID-19 Testing );
WWE has changed its COVID-19 testing policy with fans attending NXT shows. They usually had to come on Monday to get tested, but now can do so the day of the show. WWE provides free testing for fans before every show.
Dave Meltzer reported in the Wrestling Observer Newsletter that WWE no longer makes talent arrive the day before the show to get tested. );
Only those outside of the Tampa/Orlando area have to do so. Those who live in the area can get tested the day of the show. This is being done out of convenience.
Family struggles as $60M judgment after crash remains unpaid
JAKE ALLEN, Naples Daily News
April 11, 2021
Angela Crowe, left, poses for a photo with her mother, Joan Antonuccio, right, while holding their dog at their home in Tampa, Fla., on Tuesday, March 30, 2021. A jury awarded $60 million to Crowe and Antonuccio in 2015 in a judgment against a former North Naples bar that served Crowe and her then-boyfriend too much alcohol on the night of the crash in 2003. Crowe and Antonuccio haven’t received a cent of that money. (Alex Driehaus/Naples Daily News via AP)Alex Driehaus/AP
NAPLES, Fla. (AP) Joan Antonuccio begged God not to take her daughter as she rushed to Naples Community Hospital from her home in Golden Gate Estates.
The Gateway Mall COVID-19 vaccination site also closed early Saturday due to weather. Author: Matthew Copeland (WTLV) Updated: 1:33 PM EDT April 11, 2021
JACKSONVILLE, Fla. The Gateway Mall COVID-19 vaccination site will be closed for the remainder of Sunday due to the inclement weather moving through the area, according to FEMA.
FEMA said closing the site is a safety precaution as there has been lightning and some flooding at the facility. The site is expected to open back up at 7 a.m. Monday.
For people who missed their appointed date to get the second dose of the Pfzier vaccine, FEMA encouraged them to come when the site is open to receive their vaccine.