Texas Democrats leaving state to try to stop GOP voting bill
By Paul J. Weber, The Associated Press on July 12, 2021.
FILE - This June 1, 2021, file photo shows the State Capitol in Austin, Texas. Democrats in the Texas Legislature are planning to leave the state in another revolt against a GOP overhaul of election laws. A person with knowledge of the decision told The Associated Press that Democrats are set to once again break quorum at the Texas Legislature in a dramatic showdown over voting rights in America. (AP Photo/Eric Gay, File)
AUSTIN, Texas (AP) – Democrats in the Texas Legislature on Monday began bolting for Washington, D.C., and said they were ready to remain there for weeks in a second revolt against a GOP overhaul of election laws, forcing a dramatic new showdown over voting rights in America.
FILE - This June 1, 2021, file photo shows the State Capitol in Austin, Texas. Democrats in the Texas Legislature are planning to leave the state in another revolt against a GOP overhaul of election laws. A person with knowledge of the decision told The Associated Press that Democrats are set to once again break quorum at the Texas Legislature in a dramatic showdown over voting rights in America. (AP Photo/Eric Gay, File)
AUSTIN, Texas (AP) Democrats in the Texas Legislature on Monday bolted for Washington, D.C., and said they were ready to remain there for weeks in a second revolt against a GOP overhaul of election laws, forcing a dramatic new showdown over voting rights in America.
Texas Democrats flee to Washington in bid to block new Republican voting restrictions MarketWatch 9 hrs ago
AUSTIN, Texas Democrats in the Texas Legislature on Monday bolted for Washington, D.C., and said they were ready to remain there for weeks in a second revolt against a GOP overhaul of election laws, forcing a dramatic new showdown over voting rights in America.
Video: Texas Democratic lawmakers flee state to thwart voting restrictions (Reuters)
Texas Democratic lawmakers flee state to thwart voting restrictions
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Private planes carrying a large group of Democrats took off from an airport in Austin, skipping town just days before the Texas House of Representatives was expected to give early approval to sweeping new voting restrictions in a special legislative session. Hours after they took off, Republican Gov. Greg Abbott told an Austin television station he would keep calling special sessions through next year if necessary,
Demócratas de Texas dejan el estado para paralizar Legislatura
Paul J.Weber, Associated Press
Un avión privado listo para trasladar a los legisladores demócratas de Texas a Washington D.C., el lunes 12 de julio de 2021, en Austin.Eric Gay /Associated Press
AUSTIN Los legisladores demócratas de Texas viajaron el lunes a Washington D.C. y señalaron que estaban dispuestos a permanecer allí durante semanas, lo que representa una segunda revuelta contra una reforma a las leyes electorales del estado por parte de los republicanos, y provoca un nuevo y dramático enfrentamiento sobre los derechos de los votantes en Estados Unidos.
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Es la primera vez desde 2003 que los demócratas de Texas, excluidos del poder en el Capitolio estatal durante décadas, han cruzado las fronteras estatales para romper el quórum.
Momentos después de que los demócratas despegaran, Abbott emitió un comunicado en el que los criticaba por irse, mientras que el presidente de la Cámara de Representantes republicano, Dade Phelan, prometió utilizar todos los recursos disponibles para asegurar un quórum.
“La decisión de los demócratas de Texas de romper el quórum de la Legislatura de Texas y abandonar el Capitolio del Estado de Texas inflige daño a los mismos texanos que los eligieron para servir”, comentó Abbott. Mientras vuelan por todo el país en cómodos aviones privados, dejan sin resolver problemas que pueden ayudar a sus distritos y a nuestro estado .