Ademco Security Group group managing director Toby Koh retained all 253 existing full-time staff and managed to expand his workforce. - The Straits Times/ANN SINGAPORE, Feb 21 (The Straits Times/ANN): When Singapore entered the circuit breaker period last April, Toby Koh, group managing director of Ademco Security Group, was concerned that his security firm would suffer financial loss.
But with help from the Jobs Support Scheme (JSS), which helps employers pay a portion of their workers monthly salary, he not only managed to retain all 253 existing full-time staff, he even managed to expand his workforce.
By last December, he had hired nine more full-time staff.
The Straits Times
Wage support helps manufacturing, security, biomed sectors recover
Ademco Security Group group managing director Toby Koh retained all 253 existing full-time staff and managed to expand his workforce.ST PHOTO: YONG LI XUAN
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