Virtual photography exhibit online ×
The Art Society of Monmouth County is presenting the Toni Wilczewski “Virtual” Memorial Photography Exhibit sponsored by Tom Wilczewski.
This show and its awards are sponsored by Tom Wilczewski in memory of his wife, Toni, past president of the ASMC.
Members’ works will be viewable at from Jan. 16 to Feb. 28.
The photographs were judged by Colin Seitz, an award winning fine art photographer, conservationist and adventurer primarily working with traditional black and white film.
The virtual reception will be held via Zoom on Jan. 30 from 1-3 p.m. when a slide show of the art will be followed by the awards being announced.
Atlantic Hub News Briefs, Dec. 23
Tinton Falls Borough Council members have authorized a contract with the Monmouth County Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals to provide animal control services in the borough in 2021.
During a recent meeting, council members passed a resolution which authorizes the one-year contract with the MCSPCA that will be effective from Jan. 1, 2021, through Dec. 31, 2021. The MCSPCA will be paid $30,000 ($2,500 per month).
Through the contract, the MCSPCA will provide daily animal control services to Tinton Falls and a facility where stray animals that have been picked up or injured will be kept.
And, the Tinton Falls council members authorized the execution of a deed of an open space easement to Monmouth County for a 59-acre parcel on Thresher Court.
Independent News Briefs, Dec. 23
Monmouth County Freeholder Director Thomas A. Arnone has reported that the county will receive an additional $10.3 million in state funded grants from the Fiscal Year 2021 Transportation Trust Fund.
“At our Nov. 24 meeting, my fellow freeholders and I passed resolutions for two bridge projects; the reconstruction of Bridge MT-24 on county Route 12A (Navesink River Road) in Middletown and the reconstruction of Bridge R-3 (Broadway) over Chingarora Creek which connects Keyport and Union Beach,” Arnone said.
“Both of these bridge reconstruction projects, which total over $11 million, are entirely funded by New Jersey Department of Transportation grants, with minor program exceptions of approximately $170,000 for non-participating items. We are putting these state funded grants to good use which help boost our economy by creating jobs and keeping our infrastructure in good repair,” Arnone said.
News Transcript News Briefs, Dec. 23
Freehold Township was named a Healthy Town by the statewide Mayors Wellness Campaign of the New Jersey Health Care Quality Institute after strengthening collaborations with community partners like CentraState Healthcare System.
According to a press release from CentraState Healthcare System, this designation recognizes communities in which mayors have made healthy lifestyles a top priority and are actively engaging all members of their community through inclusive, evidence-based health and wellness programming, policies, and a culture of health.
In addition to serving on the Healthy Town committee, CentraState’s collaboration with Freehold Township includes the following initiatives: