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Sir Trevor McDonald struggles to remember many instances of racism
Credit: Phil Fisk /CAMERA PRESS
Looking back over his almost six decades in journalism, a career in which he became one of the most famous black faces on British television, Sir Trevor McDonald struggles to remember many instances of racism.
“No, I can’t complain about great suffering myself,” he says. Then he does recall one. “One of my editors told me, long after the incident, that someone called him up when I started doing
News at Ten, saying ‘What’s that black guy doing reading the news?’”
Still, McDonald, now 81, need only compare his experience with that of his children – Jack, 31, from his second marriage, and Tim and Joanne with first wife, Beryl – to see the progress that has been made.
Joe Biden forced to backtrack on his racism allegations - Politicsweb
9 May 2021 - Last month Tony Sewell, black chairman of a commission which challenged the view that the United Kingdom (UK) was a racist country, was vilified as an Uncle Tom by intolerant “liberals”. However, as this column reported, he hit right back at his critics.
John Kane-Berman
Last month Tony Sewell, black chairman of a commission which challenged the view that the United Kingdom (UK) was a racist country, was vilified as an Uncle Tom by intolerant “liberals”. However, as this column reported, he hit right back at his critics.
The woke agenda continues to tighten its grip on British public life. At times, it feels as if our civic institutions have been taken over by a deranged cult bent on the obliteration of freedom, tradition and even reason.
We live in a culture where the former Commons Speaker Betty Boothroyd, a trailblazer for women s rights, can be hounded in her 90s for her non-attendance at a Parliamentary sexual harassment training course, and where a Birmingham primary headteacher bans the term hello boys and girls in case it offends transgender sensitivities among pupils.
Few public figures have embraced the radical cause with more enthusiasm than Sadiq Khan, who is likely to be confirmed as London s Mayor for a second term tomorrow.