A top adviser to the Ontario and federal Conservative parties is under fire for tweeting misinformation about the aftermath of the U.S. election.
Nick Kouvalis, a veteran conservative operative and principal at Campaign Research Inc. and Campaign Support Ltd., tweeted and subsequently retracted a false claim last week that anti-fascists and Black Lives Matter activists not supporters of U.S. President Donald Trump were responsible for the Capitol riots.
“These BLM/Antifa dudes get around like they’re Forest Gump (sic),” Kouvalis said in a since-deleted tweet from Jan. 6 that was accompanied by a photo of the Washington, D.C. rioters.
STEUBENVILLE Anthony Mougianis is the newest member of the Jefferson County Board of Health.
The District Advisory Committee executive committee selected Mougianis, the owner of Wintersville-based Apollo Pro Cleaning and Restoration, to serve the remainder of the term left open by the death of Dr. Frank Petrola from a field of seven candidates after approximately 25 minutes in executive session.
“He is a well-know businessman in the community and is well respected,” DAC Chairman David Ramsey said. “He brings a business-type atmosphere to the board, which we hope will make the board better and well-rounded.
“I appreciate the members of the DAC coming out tonight and making a selection. We’re going to keep trying to grow our membership.”
Toronto: 52,191 cases of COVID-19 Increase on Friday of 758 Cases
Toronto Health Care System Nearing Capacity
TORONTO – “With so many new COVID-19 cases being reported every day, additional pressure is being placed on our healthcare system. Today, Toronto Public Health moved the health system capacity of local hospitals to yellow on the City’s monitoring dashboard. This is one more warning sign from our public health experts and hospital officials that we have to take further action to stop the spread of COVID-19,” declares Toronto Mayor John Tory.
“I know people are tired of the restrictions and the ongoing lockdown but we need to act together and do the right thing to turn this around – to save lives and to protect the health of all residents,” adds Mayor Tory.