2020/12/20 11:42 Taiwan Tourism Bureau has labeled 2021 as Year of Cycling Tourism. (Taiwan Tourism Bureau photo) Taiwan Tourism Bureau has labeled 2021 as Year of Cycling Tourism. (Taiwan Tourism Bureau photo) TAIPEI (Taiwan News) To mark the friendship between Taiwan and Japan, the Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association said on Sunday (Dec. 19) that its staff will organize a bicycle tour around the main island of Taiwan in partnership with Taiwan’s Tourism Bureau. The association issued a press release Sunday stating that staff members are planning the event as part of the Taiwan Tourism Bureau s Year of Cycling Tourism. The collaboration also serves to expand bilateral exchanges between the two nations.
2020/12/13 17:50 Ruth Croft (Taiwan Tourism Bureau photo) Ruth Croft (Taiwan Tourism Bureau photo) TAIPEI (Taiwan News) Taiwan Tourism Bureau has recently released a video about the story of New Zealand ultra runner Ruth Croft’s athletic upbringing and life after she moved to Taiwan. The bureau said in a press release that it launched the two-minute video, “Discover a Higher Love,” in celebration of International Mountain Day. In the video, Croft describes running as something she did since a young age but was never serious about turning it into a career. “The years of training and competing caught up to me, and I got to a point where I just wanted something completely new, and so I decided to move to Taipei,” Croft said.
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13/12/2020 10:06 GMT+7
Vietnam reports four imported COVID-19 cases on December 12
Four new cases of COVID-19 were recorded on December 12, all Vietnamese citizens returning from abroad and being quarantined, according to the National Steering Committee for COVID-19 Prevention and Control.
Of the newly-detected patients, one arrived from UAE on flight VN88 which landed at Cam Ranh airport on December 8, and another returned from Russia on flight VN5062 which landed at Da Nang airport on December 6. They are being treated at the General Hospital of Phu Yen province, and Lung Hospital in Da Nang city, respectively.
Taiwan Business TOPICS
If you have never been to a hot spring, the time is surely right for you to take a stress-busting hot-spring vacation in “the Heart of Asia.”
Thanks to encouraging news from scientists working on coronavirus vaccines, people are once again daring to hope that international leisure travel can resume within months. When the door is finally unlocked, all who found 2020 to be an unusually trying year, and who wish to refresh themselves in one of Taiwan’s marvelous geothermal resorts, are guaranteed a welcome of exceptional warmth.
Taiwan’s hot springs, long known to and enjoyed by the island’s Austronesian indigenous inhabitants, have been a tourist lure since the last decade of the 19th century.