Novant Official Not Expecting A Post-Memorial Day Spike In COVID-19 Cases by April Laissle
2:34pm Jun 01, 2021 Though COVID-19 vaccinations have slowed down significantly in North Carolina since earlier this spring, about half of the state’s adult population is now fully immunized. ESTEBAN FELIX/AP
This time last year, public health experts were bracing for a surge of COVID-19 cases brought about by Memorial Day gatherings. A Novant Health epidemiologist says this year, he’s not expecting a spike.
Though COVID-19 vaccinations have slowed down significantly in North Carolina since earlier this spring, about half of the state’s adult population is now fully immunized. Dr. David Priest with Novant Health, says that should be enough to head off a major post-Memorial Day outbreak.
Forsyth County has experienced two more COVID-19 related deaths amid a modest uptick in daily cases.Meanwhile, local public-health officials cautioned that Memorial Day weekend will serve as the first major
As many vaccinated people start to resume normal activities, in-person, maskless, and without social distancing concerns, some are experiencing something they have not felt in more than a year. They are getting sick. It isn't with COVID-19, but rather, with run-of-the-mill colds and other viruses. One Twitter user, @ventrebleu, lamented the "irony," writing, "I'm now fully vaccinated and I have a cold." Dr. David Priest, an infectious disease.
The N.C. Department of Health and Human Services reported Thursday 849 new cases of the virus statewide for an overall total of 1,000,416 since the pandemic began.