Brighton Dome Concert Hall, Sunday, May 23 Baroque performing consort La Nuova Musica performed Monteverdi’s Vespers, interspersed with madrigals and excerpts from the same composer’s opera ‘L’incoronazione di Poppea’, resulting in a stunning performance that felt positively opulent after a year of concerts through screens. Ten singers were joined onstage by eight musicians, including harpsichordist and conductor David Bates, in rotating arrangements for the different works.
SEE ALSO: Covid-19theatre installation at Brighton Festival - unsettling The programme opened with a beautiful, plaintive harp solo from Joy Smith, ‘Toccata seconda’ by Giovanni Maria Trabaci, the only non-Monteverdi work.
Newly renovated South Oak Cliff High School already needs repairs
Water is coming through the high school’s roof and staff have had to use trash cans to contain it.
The new front entrance of South Oak Cliff High School on Thursday, December 19, 2019 in Dallas.(Ashley Landis / Staff Photographer)
The newly renovated South Oak Cliff High School is already in need of repairs.
With heavy rain pummeling D-FW over the last few weeks, weather conditions have caused the high school’s old problems to resurface, with KXAS-TV (NBC5) reporting that water has been seeping through the roof, and staff have had to use trash cans to help contain it.
Letter: School vouchers and divisive concepts
Published: 5/24/2021 8:00:24 AM
I’m writing to politely suggest that the proponents of pending legislation to divert state money to private religious schools think carefully about how that would interact with the divisive concepts language in the budget. Specifically, should a school taking public money teach that men and women have different and complementary roles in society, they would be opening themselves to litigation and department investigations over whether they were promoting the concept that “an individual should be discriminated against or receive adverse treatment solely or partly because of his or her race or sex.”