A good general rule might be that a guy's probably too old for you if he could've called you "baby," but "3-month-old fetus" would've been more medically accurate
Tips and tricks from Nick Kozmin for prosperity and success - Nick Kozmin has built his company Salesprocess.io from $0 to $13m in just 2.5 years without any external capital or funding.
An overweight woman rejects fat activism. Fri May 7, 2021 I was born fat, and I ve been fat all my life. I was my mother s ninth pregnancy. She was an immigrant, often working two full-time jobs as a factory worker and cleaning woman. She said she had nothing to offer me, not even love, so she compensated with food. Food was often noodles dressed with margarine for dinner and grits garnished with margarine for breakfast. You had to eat a lot of that to get anything close to your nutritional needs. Fat kids are likely to grow into fat adults. The body has a set-point, a weight it thinks it should weigh, and the body will fight to maintain that weight. When I eat less, my metabolism slows, I dream about food, I can t think straight, my energy crashes, migraines strike, and sometimes I get really sick – my body thinks I am starving.
A review of When Men Behave Badly: The Hidden Roots of Sexual Deception, Harassment, and Assault by David M. Buss, Little, Brown Spark, 336 pages (April 2021)Professor David M. Buss, a leading