Wallace Roney
Meu Menino - Wallace Roney, Caymmi, Danilo
In Her Family - Wallace Roney, Metheny, Pat
Michelle - Wallace Roney, Lennon, John
Cafe - Wallace Roney, Gismonti, Egberto
Mist?rios - Wallace Roney, Maestro, Joyce
Last to Know - Wallace Roney, Metheny, Pat
Memoria E Fado - Wallace Roney, Gismonti, Egberto
71+ - Wallace Roney, Pastorius, Jaco
Muerte - Wallace Roney, Piazzolla, Astor
I Will Always Love You - Wallace Roney, Parton, Dolly
Release Date: 6/28/1994
| 06/15/2000 (5 out of 5 stars) This CD qualifies as one of the most pleasantly surprising of my recent acquisitions. Appropriately titled, it offers Roney delivering dark, smoky trumpet sounds in the best tradition of his hero, Miles Davis. In fact, I was more than a little worried about the release before I had heard it, because of Roney s occasional predilection for paying too much homage to Miles. The cover shows a pensive Roney, trumpet in hand, sitting next to a music stand in a dark studio.