Daniel Rawls was drinking at La Fogata Mexican Grill in Texas, claims he was overserved and then into a fight in the parking lot with another customer. He filed a law suit and just won $5.5M after claiming his injuries from the fight HE got into was actually on the bar!!
Daniel Rawls was drinking at La Fogata Mexican Grill in Texas, claims he was overserved and then into a fight in the parking lot with another customer. He filed a law suit and just won $5.5M after claiming his injuries from the fight HE got into was actually on the bar!!
Daniel Rawls was drinking at La Fogata Mexican Grill in Texas, claims he was overserved and then into a fight in the parking lot with another customer. He filed a law suit and just won $5.5M after claiming his injuries from the fight HE got into was actually on the bar!!
Daniel Rawls was drinking at La Fogata Mexican Grill in Texas, claims he was overserved and then into a fight in the parking lot with another customer. He filed a law suit and just won $5.5M after claiming his injuries from the fight HE got into was actually on the bar!!