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What Is To Become of Our Republic?
Jan. 18 , 2021 (EIRNS) With the American republic in its most aggravated state of social division in many decades and in both a viral pandemic and underlying economic decline, the Schiller Institute held an event on the holiday honoring Dr. King, entitled “A More Perfect Union through the Coincidence of Opposites: Martin Luther King and the Presidency.” Its purpose was defined by Americans having “not understood how to use Martin Luther King” to bring about unity and justice in such crises, but rather wanting to handle every problem by some form of aggression. The more than 3 hour-long webcast succeeded in showing that both Americans of very different political persuasions, and leaders from other nations, can agree that the 2020 Presidential election was a corrupt one; “big tech” censorship is impermissible and unconstitutional; and on some measures that must be taken. But more fundamental problems
Reconstituting Ben Franklin’s Republic
by Michael Billington
Schiller Institute
Some of the speakers in the January 2, 2020 Town Hall meeting, “Truth in Elections,” co-sponsored by The LaRouche Organization and the Schiller Institute.
Jan. 2 The LaRouche Organization and the Schiller Institute today hosted a powerful virtual Town Hall meeting with representatives of the state legislatures and activists from four of the states in which the presidential election is contested, and others, presenting evidence of the massive vote fraud and irregularities in the election, and discussing the profound impact of this fight for the future of the nation and the world. The forum is part of a mobilization of concerned citizens to create a Citizens’ Commission for Truth in Elections, which will hold a founding conference on January 17.
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Citizens Commission on Truth in Elections Defeat the Vote Frauds
Jan. 2, 2020 (EIRNS) The LaRouche Organization and the Schiller Institute today hosted a powerful virtual Town Hall meeting with representatives of the state legislatures and activists from four of the states in which the presidential election is contested, and others, presenting evidence of the massive vote fraud and irregularities in the election, and discussing the profound impact of this fight for the future of the nation and the world. The forum was part of a mobilization of concerned citizens to create a Citizens Commission for Truth in Elections, which will hold a founding conference on Jan. 17. As expressed by the moderator Dennis Speed of the Schiller Institute in opening the Town Hall meeting, the stealing of the Nov. 3 election is not only a threat to Donald Trump’s reelection, nor even simply to the U.S. Constitution, but a threat to civilization, to determine in the