Tecno has launched its latest Spark 7 Pro smartphone in India. The 4GB RAM and 64GB internal memory variant is priced at Rs 9,999 whereas the 6GB RAM and 64GB internal memory model is available at Rs 10,999. The device will be available on Amazon for sale starting from May 28. In terms of specifications, the Tecno Spark 7 Pro smartphone comes with a 6.6-inch HD + Dot in IPS display with a 720 x 1600 HD+ resolution and a MediaTek Helio G80 processor. It is equipped with a 48MP HD rear camera, an AI camera and a 2MP depth camera. For selfie lovers, the device is equipped with an 8MP front camera. The smartphone houses a 5000mAh battery. The Tecno Spark 7 Pro smartphone is in-built with face unlock 2.0 and smart fingerprint sensor. Tecno Spark 7 Pro smartphone launched Photogallery at ETimes
Tecno Spark 7 Pro 64GB Brief Description
Tecno Spark 7 Pro 64GB was launched in May 2021 & runs on Android 11 OS. The Smartphone is available only in one color i.e. Black & has a built in fingerprint sensor as the primary security feature, along with the host of connectivity options in terms of 3G, 4G, GPS, Wifi, NFC Bluetooth capabilities. The phone is available with 64 GB of internal storage.
The Smartphone is powered by 2x2.0 GHz, 6x1.8 GHz Octa-core core Mediatek Helio G80 Processor. A 6 GB of RAM ensures phone runs smoothly even the most memory intensive applications & still shows no signs of lag. 64 GB of internal storage can not be expanded further.
Tecno Spark 7 Pro specifications
The dual-SIM (Nano) Tecno Spark 7 Pro runs on Android 11 with HiOS 7.5 on top and features a 6.6-inch HD+ (720x1,600 pixels) display with a 20:9 aspect ratio, 90Hz refresh rate, and a 180Hz touch sampling rate. There is also a hole-punch display design. Under the hood, the Spark 7 Pro has the octa-core MediaTek Helio G80 SoC, along with up to 6GB of DDR4x RAM. There is a triple rear camera setup that houses a 48-megapixel primary sensor with an f/1.8 lens, 2-megapixel depth sensor, and an AI lens. The camera setup is paired with a quad LED flash.
Tecno Spark 7 Pro launched with 90Hz smooth display, 5000mAh battery, starts at Rs 9,999
Tecno has added a new smartphone to the Spark 7 series and it brings a 90Hz display onboard.
Shubham Verma | May 25, 2021 | Updated 13:08 IST
The Spark 7 Pro comes with a 90Hz display and a 5000mAh battery.
The Tecno Spark 7 Pro costs Rs 9,999 but you can get it for Rs 8,990 in an offer.
Tecno has launched the Spark 7 Pro smartphone in India. It is a new addition to the Spark 7 series that brings a 90Hz display onboard. Tecno is a brand from China s Transsion Holdings that also sells smartphones under Itel and Infinix in India and other markets. Tecno, much like the other two brands, has a strong offline presence while its online presence is also growing. The reason behind that is the kind of smartphones that are often big on specifications as far as the price is concerned.