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As Governments and businesses turn their minds toward the
recovery and re-opening of the economy, our team is closely
monitoring updates from governments across Canada. The following
summarizes the recovery and re-opening measures which have been
announced to date in each jurisdiction. We will continue to update
this summary as further measures are introduced across the
This roundup was last updated on February 19, 2021. To see what
has changed since our last update, please download our
blackline, here.
February 19, 2021: The Minister of
Employment, Workforce Development and Disability Inclusion
Posted: Feb 04, 2021 6:00 AM AT | Last Updated: February 4
Toronto microbiologist Dr. Samira Mubareka was part of the first Canadian research team to successfully isolate SARS-CoV-2 and study its genetic code. The data is still coming in on the coronavirus variant, but evidence suggests it does spread more easily, she says.(Kevin van Paassen/Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre)
HALIFAX New Brunswick is reporting one new COVID-19 case on Wednesday. Five previously reported cases are now considered recovered, dropping the active number of cases in the province to 27. Wednesday s new case involves an individual aged 30-39 in Zone 3 (Fredericton region). Public health says the individual is self-isolating and the case is under investigation.
CASE BREAKDOWN New Brunswick has had 596 confirmed cases of COVID-19. Of those, 560 have recovered. There have been eight deaths, leaving 27 active cases in the province. There are currently two people in hospital, one of which is in an intensive care unit, as a result of COVID-19.
Campbellton (1)
There have been eight deaths in the province from COVID-19 and three people are currently in hospital, including two people in intensive care.
New Brunswick has had a total of 593 COVID-19 cases and 551 of those have recovered.
Non-essential travel a high risk
New Brunswick s Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Jennifer Russell said in a statement Monday that people need to self-isolate correctly and make sure they stay isolated for the entire 14-day period. Non-essential travel is very risky right now, she said. We are seeing more travel-related cases and transmission to household members when self-isolation measures are not strictly adhered to.
New Brunswick COVID-19 Update
Public Health reported one new case of COVID-19 Monday.
The case is an individual 50-59 in Zone 3 (Fredericton region). The case is a close contact of a known case and is self-isolating.
The number of confirmed cases in New Brunswick is 593 and 551 have recovered. There have been eight deaths, and the number of active cases is 33. Three patients are hospitalized of which two are in intensive care. As of today, 150,827 tests have been conducted.
“Non-essential travel is very risky right now,” said Dr. Jennifer Russell, chief medical officer of health. “We are seeing more travel-related cases and transmission to household members when self-isolation measures are not strictly adhered to so it is imperative that everyone who is self-isolating continue to follow Public Health’s self-isolation guidance and self-isolate for the full 14 days. Protect everyone in your household and learn how to properly self-isolate by visiting the coronavirus web pa