Feb 26, 2021
Kathy Gibson reports – The 2021 Budget, tabled on Wednesday (24 February 2021) sent a clarion call for all South Africans – individuals, business and government – to pull together in ensuring the country can recover from the ravages of the past years.
During 2020, government had to make tough choices to ride the wave of the pandemic and, despite the adverse circumstances, Finance Minister Tito Mboweni tabled a mild and marker-friendly budget.
That’s the word from Deon Shango, CEO of PwC Africa, who calls for government and business to take action, and to work together to help South Africa grow its way out of a potential fiscal crisis.
Jan 26, 2021
The rise of automation and digitisation has transformed the world of work – increasing productivity but also creating a major societal problem: the stark mismatch of people with the right skills for available jobs.
The Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated and exacerbated these trends. As a result, the need to upskill and reskill people so they can participate in the economy is more critical than ever before, in turn creating more inclusive and sustainable economies and societies where no one is left behind.
In a new report,
Upskilling for Shared Prosperity, launched during the Davos Agenda 2021, PwC and the World Economic Forum make a clear case for why leaders from all sectors should prioritise upskilling now.