We’ve been making quesadillas wrong this entire time, according to TikTok
Jack Roskopp, Digital Content Editor, Graham Media Group
We ve been folding tortillas wrong for so long. (Jack Roskopp)
TikTok is fantastic for endless scrolling and having a good laugh at people’s videos, but it’s also great for finding out new life hacks, and apparently, we’ve been making quesadillas wrong the entire time.
Granted, this technique more so shows you how to make a stacked quesadilla instead of a flat, more traditional one or even a panini-type sandwich but nonetheless, it’s a genius way to fold a giant tortilla filled with whatever kind of food your heart desires.
Dairy is enjoyed in its many forms for the creamy, rich texture it can provide to various dishes. This Latin/Creole-inspired dish makes use of dairy’s tangy, decadent side by employing
Viral Hack To Make 4-Layer Wrap In One Simple Step Will Surprise You
Viral Hack To Make 4-Layer Wrap In One Simple Step Will Surprise You
Wrap is an easy-to-make and versatile dish. This viral hack shows how to make a four-layered version with a simple trick.
This viral hack makes a four-layered version of it
All you need to do is just this one simple trick
Wraps are an incredibly versatile dish. Whether you like it grilled with lots of veggies and meat, or lightly toasted with dips and spreads - there is so much room for creativity. A single wrap can make for a meal by itself, or even a fulfilling mid-meal snack. However, it can often get messy to eat, as the filling keeps falling out while eating. An Instagram food blogger has found the perfect solution to this problem by making a delicious four-layered wrap without it falling apart. Take a look: