Sad passing of a true Scottish militant
Socialist Resistance and Fourth International supporters in Britain were deeply saddened to hear of the passing of Jim McVicar on Thursday 3
rd December 2020
, writes Mike Picken.
We wish to pass on our deepest condolences to his partner Christine, his family, and send solidarity to the Scottish Socialist Party of which Jim was currently the treasurer and a longstanding activist.
Jim McVicar was a giant of the Scottish socialist movement. He had been elected a Labour councillor in Glasgow’s East End, but was expelled from the party for his principled refusal to go along the implementation of the Tories’ hated poll tax during the 1990s.
SCOTLAND SUPPLEMENT II - A joint oppressor
Left nationalists are in thrall to a bogus history, argues Jack Conrad. Scotland was not subject to an English takeover with the 1707 Act of Union. Nor does Scotland suffer from English cultural imperialism
Europe’s first nations had an embryonic existence, which for the sake of neatness is usually dated back to the 13th and 14th centuries. Here we have fertilisation, eg, Geoffrey Chaucer and his use of Middle English in works such as
Tales of Caunterbury (1400). At the time the prestigious languages in England were Norman-French and Latin. Chaucer’s Middle English reflected the growing importance of market relations: ie, circulation, and the rise of capitalism. He was the first author of standing to use many common English phrases and words: ‘add’, ‘agree’, ‘desk’, ‘dishonest’, etc. Because of the printing press, by the early 16th century, his writings gained a mass audience amongst the educated minority. All part of
Why has the Scottish Government failed to build more affordable housing? The Scottish National Party blames the Conservatives, yet devolved powers Holyrood. 10.12.2020, Sputnik International