Fundraiser started for woman struggling after helping boys in fatal shooting
Updated Mar 05, 2021;
When Kimeka Campbell heard about Jere’e Clark’s role in helping two young brothers after an accidental shooting last month, she reached out to check on her.
Clark, 32, relayed she was having a difficult time. The older brother, just 12-years-old, died despite her efforts to save him after happening to drive by the brothers’ home in Swatara Township. Clark continues to struggle with flashbacks and guilt about not being able to save the boy.
Dr. Campbell, co-founder the Young Professionals of Color Greater Harrisburg, wanted to do something to help Clark get the time and resources she needs to recover. So Thursday night, Campbell started an online fundraiser to benefit Clark.
What if your 16-year-old kid got thrown into prison? | PennLive Editorial
Updated Mar 05, 2021;
A child should not be treated as an adult. That’s been the consensus of American society since America was founded. Children aren’t allowed to drink. They aren’t supposed to smoke. And they can’t vote.
But in Pennsylvania, they can be sent to an adult prison, with the very real prospect of being turned into just what our society doesn’t need – another bitter, vengeful person angry at the hand they’ve been dealt in life.
Christine Vendel’s story about a 16-year-old being sent to adult prison for stealing a gun and shooting at one of his relatives should make us ashamed. Yes, someone could have been killed, but no one was. And there’s no argument, the kid needs to be held accountable for his actions.
Jere'e Clark stopped her vehicle Feb.14 after she saw a 10-year-old boy crying for help outside his Swatara Township home. He said he shot his 12-year-old brother.
Updated: 1:04 PM EST February 26, 2021
DAUPHIN COUNTY, Pa. The Dauphin County District Attorney s Office announced Friday that no charges would be filed in the death of a 12-year-old Swatara Township boy who was shot accidentally by his 10-year-old brother on Feb. 14.
Investigators with the DA s office and Swatara Township Police determined that the 10-year-old was holding a revolver that discharged accidentally, striking the victim in the head.
The decision was announced by District Attorney Fran Chardo in a press release.
The investigation determined the following:
On the morning of Feb. 14, the boys parents left them at home while they went to brunch. The boys were of sufficient maturity to be left without supervision, Chardo said.
Bail revoked for Harrisburg rape suspect
Updated Feb 19, 2021;
A warrant has been issued for a Harrisburg man who was arrested and released this week on charges of raping a teen, the Dauphin County District Attorney’s Office announced.
Shymar L. McBride, 42, was released on $25,000 unsecured bail by Magisterial District Judge Joann L. Teyral of York County, who is filling in for MDJ Sonya McKnight.
On Thursday, Court of Common Pleas Judge John J. McNally revoked McBride’s bail and ordered him to be incarcerated at Dauphin County Prison.
McBride is charged with rape by forcible compulsion, statutory sexual assault, involuntary deviate sexual intercourse with a person under 16 years old, indecent assault by forcible compulsion, aggravated indecent assault of a person under 16 years old, unlawful contact with a minor, and corruption of minors, according to online court dockets.