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Geoff Tesson
The government of Ontario has announced its intention to grant University degree-granting status to The Northern Ontario School of Medicine and the College Universaire de Hearst.
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While Ross Romano, the minister of Colleges and Universities, presents this move as a natural evolution to a state of maturity, it is anything but that. I have no comment on the Hearst situation other than that the small faculty at Hearst has done an outstanding job under difficult circumstances of bringing high quality university level education to francophone students in the north. I do not know whether they view university status as helping them further their mandate, but I wish them well.
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EPA and thousand dollar cigarette
A burning cigarette butt dropped beside a road at Scoresby has cost a Wantirna man $1,000 after Environment Protection Authority Victoria (EPA) took him to court for littering.
EPA points out that a burning cigarette butt is not just litter, it creates a fire hazard. The Ringwood Magistrates’ Court fined the man $500 and ordered him to pay another $500 to cover EPA’s legal costs.
Accused man Bryce Davey failed to appear in court, on a charge of depositing litter, contrary to Section 45E(1)(a) of the Environment Protection Act 1970.
The court heard that the offence took place on Wednesday, 15 January 2020, at approximately 4:15 pm on Eastlink, at Scoresby. EPA charged the man after a member of the public reported the littering, using the EPA Report Litter app on a smart phone.
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FIRST IN PLAYBOOK: GIG ECONOMY BATTLE SHIFTS INTO GEAR A coalition that counts Uber, Lyft and other major gig economy players among its members is pushing Beacon Hill to weigh in on how to classify app-based drivers. The group is boosting allies in the legislature, just commissioned a new poll and is laying the groundwork for a possible ballot question campaign.
Residents buy Durango mobile home park from corporate owners
Durango, Colorado Currently Wed 3% chance of precipitation 54% chance of precipitation 54% chance of precipitation 2% chance of precipitation
River View homeowners take ‘control over housing destiny’ By Shannon Mullane Durango and Pine River Valley reporter
Wednesday, April 14, 2021 5:33 AM Residents at River View mobile home park in Durango are buying the park from Strive Communities to stabilize their rent. The effort was led by community members, from left, John Egan, Karen Pontius, Coral Smith, Sue Hinkle and Dan Hunt. Jerry McBride/Durango Herald River View mobile home park on Animas View Drive in north Durango went up for sale in December.
BOSTON â House lawmakers made clear to the Baker administration Thursday that they want more information about how the discretionary portion of $71 billion in one-time aid that s already come to Massachusetts has been spent and want to have greater say around how another $40 billion in federal stimulus money that s on the way will be spent.
After ceding some of its power through the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic as the governor flexed his executive authority around public health, the Legislature has in recent months shown a renewed interest in playing an oversight role when it comes to the vaccine rollout and the distribution of federal funds.