Dan Tackett
Gene Burwell’s theme song could have echoed the famous Sinatra tune’s message, “I did it my way,” according to a non-relative who considered himself to be the Lincoln man’s third son and viewed the Lincoln businessman as his second dad.
That man, Jay Jessen of Chatham, describes Gene Burwell as “bigger than life.” Sadly, that life came to an end on Nov. 24 at a hospital near Lake of the Ozarks in Missouri. He was 85.
This column last week was a tribute to Mr. Burwell, as recalled by several friends. Those tributes continue today, as written by Jessen and two surviving sons.
The Courier
According to Gene Burwell’s obituary, “His was an extraordinary life …”
After listening to and reading memories about the man from friends and family, one could easily surmise “extraordinary” might be an understated adjective. When he died Nov. 24 at the age of 85, Gene Burwell left behind indelible marks on Lincoln, Logan County, his family and a wide circle of friends.
One good acquaintance remembers him as “genuine, generous, witty.” “Bigger than life,” another recalls.
One of his children describes his father as “a mix of Steve McQueen, Charlton Heston and John Wayne combined into a fun-seeking and supportive father.”