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On January 5, 2021, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
(CFPB) Taskforce on Federal Consumer Financial Law (Taskforce)
issued a nearly 900-page final report (Report) making extensive
recommendations for legislative and regulatory reform, enactment,
and adoption of new initiatives in the financial marketplace. In
proposing changes to the existing legal and regulatory framework,
the Report is centered around five key principles: (1) consumer
protection; (2) information and education; (3) competition and
innovation; (4) regulatory modernization and flexibility; and (5)
inclusion and access.
In the second installment of the Consumer Financial Services
Litigation Webinar Series, Seyfarth attorneys will offer
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In a significant but unsurprising move, the CFPB announced today
that it was rescinding a policy statement issued in January 2020
that sought to tether the Bureau s abusive
authority to certain limiting principles. The move signals
that the Bureau is likely to interpret its authority to prevent abusive acts and practices under the Dodd-Frank Act
more broadly and use that authority to initiate new enforcement
against industry.
As we previously discussed here, the Bureau s January 2020 policy
statement announced three new principles that it planned to apply
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The CFTC and the DOJ both now pursue enforcement
actions against trading in commodities based on misappropriation of
confidential information.
Among the many changes resulting from the Dodd-Frank Wall Street
Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010 (Dodd-Frank Act), one
that has been slow to develop, but broad in its significance, is
the assertion of authority by the Commodity Futures Trading
Commission (CFTC) to police insider trading and misappropriation of
confidential information in commodities markets. As the primary
regulator for derivatives across a wide range of markets, spanning
Westend Heights at
New Town, Begu, Bengaluru (
Residential Project).
The entire area of New Town comprised 80 acres of which the
Residential Project was being developed in an area admeasuring 27.5
acres. The Residential Project comprised four blocks, totalling
1980 units, spread across 19 towers. The brochure of the first
3 not only advertised the nature of
the Residential Project but also made certain representations
regarding the amenities to be provided by the developers. Relying
inter alia on these representations, flat purchasers
entered into Apartment Buyers Agreement (
ABA) with
the developers. Clause 11(a) of the ABA stipulated that the
developers would endeavour to complete construction within a period
Patriot Ensures Employers Are Compliant Following New Legislation
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Patriot Software quickly meets the requirements of The Consolidated Appropriations Act to ensure payroll customers are able to get much-needed COVID-19 relief.
Patriot Software Updates for New Covid Legislation Compliance
“Albeit a bit confusing for busy employers, we know that this financial relief is critical to those struggling due to the pandemic,” says Todd Frank, Payroll Tax Manager. “So, our teams have been in overdrive, working to make these changes as seamless as possible for our hard-working customers.” CANTON, Ohio (PRWEB) February 23, 2021 Patriot Software, LLC, a leading accounting software and payroll provider, is updating its software to comply with changes relating to the Consolidated Appropriations Act.