September 12, 2014
Breitbart reports that Holder’s senior communications aide, Brian Fallon, accidentally called House oversight committee chairman Darrel Issa’s staff to ask for help spinning new revelations about the IRS scandal.
The original story about the IRS targeting came to light when a question was planted in the audience of an American Bar Association conference in DC. The infamous Lois Lerner responded to the question by apologizing for the targeting. At the time, a Treasury official told the White House twice that IRS official Lois Lerner was going to make a public apology.
They are all in cahoots and they all lie to the public. The media cooperates, at least the “selected reporters” do.
Since my U.S. Representative Darrell Issa thinks Democrats are over-reacting to the Capitol violence, I’m asking him for guidance.
When is a serious reaction warranted? How many citizen deaths? What amount of building damage just gutted, or must it be flattened? How many government officials can be taken hostage or killed? And what level of vitriol and sedition from the President is needed to go beyond Issa dismissing it as merely a “misstep”?
Please respond quickly. I fear I may need to know soon.
Monte Turner
Issa defends his vote to disallow votes from certain states in the Nov. 3 election of 2020. He says he applied “his constitutional conscience”. His what?
Rep. Darrell Issa’s attempt to equate the looting of neighborhood beauty supply stores last summer to the invasion and destruction at the U.S. Capitol this week is more than asinine. It is sinister. Issa’s message is designed to minimize and excuse a seditious attack on one of the republic’s core institutions.
Looking back to the racial justice protests of 2020, the only destruction remotely comparable was the burning of police precincts in Minneapolis and Portland, which was widely condemned by leaders on the left, including Joe Biden. (It was later revealed that at least one of the arsonists was in fact a right-wing terrorist.)
Monday s event began at 3 p.m. in the El Cajon Centennial Plaza on Civic Center Way, which was called the All I Want for Christmas is Freedom Rally, was attended by several hundred rally-goers by 4 p.m.
The organizer of the event is Reopen San Diego, a self-described non-partisan coalition of concerned citizens from every walk of life. We are committed to defending the natural rights of every resident of San Diego County so that we all may pursue life, liberty and happiness.
Reopen San Diego maintains that the government does not have the authority to arbitrarily decide which businesses or livelihoods are essential or not and that each San Diegan is entitled to individually make decisions regarding their own health.