Dublin to host St. Patrick s Day celebration
E-T staff report
Dublin will host its annual St. Patrick s Day Celebration on Saturday.
The day s events kick off with a Love Run 5K hosted by Transformation Pathways beginning at 8 a.m.
At 8:30 a.m., parade lineup begins at Memorial Stadium. Those wanting to take part in the parade need to fill out a form for the Dublin Chamber of Commerce. The form can be submitted by dropping it off at the office at 110 S. Patrick St., or by emailing info@dublintxchamber.com.
To be included in the contest judging, there is a $5 entry fee that will be donated to the Dublin Chamber of Commerce. Winners of the contest will receive a gift basket, recognition on the digital sign in downtown Dublin for the month and Facebook recognition.
Stephenville area community news in brief
Stephenville Empire-Tribune
Erath residents eligible for FEMA funds
Erath County residents are eligible for individual assistance through the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for damage caused by the recent winter storm.
Visit DisasterAssistance.gov to begin a claim. Those needing help filling an application can call toll free (844) 844-3089.
Quilt guild to hold monthly meeting
The Town n Country Quilt Guild will host its monthly meeting 1-3 p.m. Saturday, March 18 at Valley Grove Baptist Church, 1731 S. US Hwy 281.
The group typically meets each first Saturday of the month, however, the date was changed for this month only.
The Taoiseach has said that as the Covid-19 pandemic is brought under control there will be a need to move away from the extensive and wide-ranging emergency supports put in place by the Government to help businesses and workers.
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Todd Hoadley
Guest columnist
Giving back, caring for one another and treating each other with respect and grace have never been more important to our society because of the challenges presented by the ongoing COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic.
As a district, Dublin City Schools prioritizes teaching these values to our students.
Furthermore, it is clear our community prides itself on developing a sense of compassion, empathy and caring in our young people. Our district’s mission mirrors these community values, as we strive daily not only to deliver world-class instruction but also to provide well-rounded experiences for our future leaders and citizens.