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THE BUZZ: In the waning days of the Trump presidency, Speaker
Nancy Pelosi and Republican leader
Kevin McCarthy managed to agree on the president’s culpability but not on the proper response.
The Californian leaders have long represented opposite poles of Trump-era politics:
Getty Images
Billionaire VC Doug Leone was once one of Trump s strongest supporters in Silicon Valley, donating over $100,000 to his 2020 reelection campaign.
He told Insider he no longer supports the president after his role in inciting the riots on Capitol Hill last week. After last week s horrific events, President Trump lost many of his supporters, including me, Leone wrote in a statement, adding that he believed the president was responsible for inciting the riots.
Billionaire venture capitalist Doug Leone was, until recently, one of Silicon Valley s staunchest Trump supporters. Now, the managing partner at the prestigious venture firm Sequoia has abandoned him.
Donor Behind $500,000 Gift to Recall Newsom Campaign Revealed as Religious Dude Mad About Church Restrictions
A mysterious half million bucks showed up in the bank account of the Recall Gavin Newsom effort, from an apparent shell company with a biblical name. Now we know the whole amount came from one single Orange County religious conservative.
It s been a burgeoning couple of weeks for the latest iteration of the Recall Gavin Newsom movement (mind you, this the fifth such effort of his tenure), this one called Rescue California - Recall Gavin Newsom. Their signature gathering effort has picked up steam and they re now at a million signatures of the required 1.5 million, and on December 18 their bank account curiously tripled overnight with a $500,000 contribution from something called Prov 3:9, LLC, a company with with little track record of actually existing in any capacity.