, a senior at St. Charles West High School received a full-ride scholarship to Southeast Missouri State University. He was one of only five students selected for the prestigious President’s Scholarship at the university. Since his college was now fully paid for he decided to donate the $1,000 he saved for college to a student who needed it.
“I really thought it was important to give back to my community that poured in so much to me,” Nelson told
, a senior at St. Charles West High School received a full-ride scholarship to Southeast Missouri State University. He was one of only five students selected for the prestigious President’s Scholarship at the university. Since his college was now fully paid for he decided to donate the $1,000 he saved for college to a student who needed it.
“I really thought it was important to give back to my community that poured in so much to me,” Nelson told
, a senior at St. Charles West High School received a full-ride scholarship to Southeast Missouri State University. He was one of only five students selected for the prestigious President’s Scholarship at the university. Since his college was now fully paid for he decided to donate the $1,000 he saved for college to a student who needed it.
“I really thought it was important to give back to my community that poured in so much to me,” Nelson told
Christine Marie
If you are in comics and have a birthday coming up – or you know someone who has – get in touch at richjohnston@bleedingcool.com.
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About Rich JohnstonFounder of Bleeding Cool. The longest-serving digital news reporter in the world, since 1992. Author of The Flying Friar, Holed Up, The Avengefuls, Doctor Who: Room With A Deja Vu, The Many Murders Of Miss Cranbourne, Chase Variant. Lives in South-West London, works from Blacks on Dean Street, shops at Piranha Comics. Father of two. Political cartoonist.
High School Senior Earns Scholarship, Donates College Savings to Help Other Students
(Image: Facebook)
Joshua Nelson, a senior at St. Charles West High School in Missouri, decided to pay it forward by donating over $1,000 of his college savings to another student after Southeast Missouri State University (SEMO) selected Nelson for a SEMO’s President Scholarship.
“The MAC Scholars program seeks to provide opportunities for students to develop and sharpen the skills necessary to succeed in high school and beyond,” MAC’s website information explained.
Nelson is also a member of the varsity basketball team, huddle leader for the Fellow of Christian Athletes, and a member of the National Honor Society, National Society of Black Engineers, and Black Student Union. t Nelson, who wants to pursue a career in optometry, is an active community volunteer.