Monday Night Football for his racist comments about Donovan McNabb. He resigned from ESPN’s
Sunday NFL Countdown after making those comments.
Due to an editing error, a Feb. 18 Sports misspelled Becky Hammon’s last name and Toni Smith-Thompson’s first name.
In a Feb. 16 Sports, Nick Greene misstated that star Golden State Warriors guard Klay Thompson is recovering from a knee injury. He’s recovering from an Achilles injury.
In a Feb. 14 Movies, Dan Kois misidentified the university where Dr. Brian Stork is a clinical professor of urology. He works at the University of Michigan, not Michigan State.
In a Feb. 13 Slatest, Jordan Weissmann misidentified
The Atlantic
The new president must not repeat Obama s mistakes.
January 20, 2021
Getty / The Atlantic
When Franklin D. Roosevelt became president in 1932, the nation was facing concentric crises: the immediate, house-on-fire disaster of rolling bank closures; the broader economic depression; and, beyond that, deeply entrenched problems that the depression had highlighted, including elderly poverty. Roosevelt’s first 100 days addressed the first two crises with historic directness. He reopened the banks and directly employed thousands of Americans through measures such as the Civilian Conservation Corps. Then, near the end of his first term, he signed the Social Security Act, which has reduced senior poverty and become one of the most popular federal programs in the United States.
Andrew Yang will not forestall the robot apocalypse from the Oval Office, but he may get to do it from New York City Hall. In the 2020 Democratic presidential primary, the former entrepreneur’s quirky campaign found a surprisingly robust audience, attracted by Yang’s warnings about automation and his promise to mail every American a “freedom dividend” (or, at least, by his math jokes and laid-back, open collar). In the end, the Yang Gang only got their guy as far as the New Hampshire primary. But thanks in part to the name recognition and national network of donors he accrued during that race, Yang is actually