On Tuesday, the School Committee settled on a format for a pair of special meetings to be held on Monday, Dec. 14, at 5 and 7 p.m. The 5 p.m. session will provide an opportunity for one hour of comments from community members who sign up in advance. At 7 p.m., the committee will hear two 15-minute presentations one for a synthetic field and one against followed by 30 minutes for School Committee members to ask questions of the invited presenters. The goal is to provide a sense of the pros and cons and the feelings of community members, particularly for the four members of the seven-person committee who joined in the last six weeks.
WILLIAMSTOWN, Mass. Mount Greylock Regional School District officials are working to tweak a memorandum of understanding with the teachers union that allowed the opening of school in September, but it is too soon to say whether those talks will lead to a resumption of in-person instruction. Last week, Mount Greylock went to fully remote learning all three of its schools after the county s 14-day COVID-19 test positivity rate reached 3.01 percent, just north of the 3 percent threshold for remote learning in the September MOA. Superintendent Jason McCandless on Tuesday told the School Committee that he is not overly optimistic that metric will decline when the state Department of Public Health releases new numbers on Thursday evening.