Saturday, 13 February 2021, 7:37 am
Friday 12 February 2021 - Scientists
Warning Europe (SWE) have issued an open letter to Prime
Minister, Boris Johnson, asking for much stronger leadership
in the face of catastrophic climate change and growing
ecological collapse. This endorses the letter from ex Nasa
scientist, James Hansen, which also called on Mr. Johnson to
step up and lead the world in solving the climate
The letter from SWE is supported by 20 eminent
scientists and academics including the government’s ex
science adviser Sir David King; leading Dutch Climate
Scientist Pier Vellinga who was one of the architects of the
UNFCCC, involved in the inception of the IPCC as vice
, Eater has compiled a handful of the recipes from blogs, magazines, publications, and cookbooks that put the pep back in our pans this week and that we hope will do the same for you. These are the dishes that Eater editors from across the country actually made recently, and we’re passing along any first-hand tips, hacks, or dietary substitutions that, hey, worked for us. Here, then, are this week’s must-try recipes from Eater’s very-much-average but highly enthusiastic home cooks.
Cooks Country
I got a tortilla press for Christmas, and have been slowly trying to improve my comfort level with making tortillas at home. My first attempt at corn ones was a pretty mixed bag, and I’m happy to say I had a bit more success with this recipe from Cook’s Country for a flour variety. Though I had to play around with the recommended amount of water and add more than the recipe called for to get the consistency I wanted, this recipe is really pretty easy, and created tortillas th
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Subscriber only A petition is circulating calling for Division 1 Councillor James Hansen to be removed from the Fraser Coast Regional Council. Faye Whiffen from Howard District Community Centre is one of the voices behind the petition, which Cr Hansen has branded ridiculous . She said the petition, which is addressed to the Legislative Assembly, started because Mr Hansen would not return phone calls or respond to emails regarding issues that some felt needed to be addressed in his division. A petition is circulating calling for the removal of Fraser Coast Councillor James Hansen. Ms Whiffen said in addition to her belief that Mr Hansen wasn t adequately carrying out his duties as a councillor, his attitude towards COVID-19, questioning the severity of the pandemic, had also been cause for alarm.
Cumbria County Council had previously approved a planning application by West Cumbria Mining, but the local authority now says it will reconsider the application “after new information had come to light”, Sky News reports.
A spokesperson for Cumbria County Council said the decision to reopen the planning application followed the publication of a report by the government’s Climate Change Committee in December. “The report. sets out the volume of greenhouse gases the UK aims to emit during 2033-2037. In light of this the council has decided that the planning application should be reconsidered,” the spokesperson said.
“Government ministers had declined to intervene in the go-ahead for the mine on the basis it was a local decision,” Sky News added.