Nearly 7-hour standoff ends with suspect in custody A nearly 7 hour standoff at a Henderson hotel ended with a suspect in custody. (Source: Gray News) By KLTV Digital Media Staff | March 3, 2021 at 12:38 PM CST - Updated March 3 at 5:59 PM
HENDERSON, Texas (KLTV) - A nearly seven-hour standoff Wednesday morning ended with a police taking a suspect into custody.
According to a statement released by the Henderson Police Department, at about 3:30 a.m., a manager at Woodlawn Hills Motel called police dispatch to notify them of an unwanted guest. Capt. James Dukes with the Henderson Police Department’s Criminal Investigations Department said upon arrival at the scene, contact was made with the armed suspect who then barricaded himself within a room.
From COVID-19 to protests, how 2020 impacted Black artists and creatives Bob Mehr, USA TODAY
For Memphis hip-hop producer James Dukes, aka IMAKEMADBEATS, music has been a lifelong passion, bordering on obsession. He could hardly recall a day where he hadn’t been in the studio, tinkering with beats or creating tracks. But in March 2020, that all changed with the COVID-19 pandemic.
“For the first time I’m not thinking about beats or mixing records,” Dukes said. “I was thinking about the health of my family my parents, my son and figuring out how to get groceries without getting COVID. That’s where my mind was. And just the fatigue and exhaustion from dealing with all that … it took me away from any sort of inspiration. I didn’t go into the studio for weeks. Which, if you know me, that’s like an eternity. It’s unthinkable.”