Photo Credit: Heidi Durbin
It has been 10 years since James Durbin rocked the
American Idol stage. Finishing fourth in the competition, the Californian inspired audiences by persevering despite Tourette’s and Asperger’s obstacles. Durbin also stood out for his outward pro wrestling fandom. One that was jump started as a teenager when as the star says “WWE got the ‘F’ out.”
“The first match I remember seeing after school was a Monday Night Raw. It was Jeff Hardy and Rob Van Dam in a ladder match for the intercontinental title. I turned it on and thought, ‘This is for me,’” Durbin said. “I just latched on to it immediately seeing these guys who were taking their individualities and that was their character.
When Connie Corrigan received a call from the Dr. Everett Chalmers Hospital in Fredericton about her two-year-old daughter's fall in the bathtub, she assumed the toddler might need a few stitches at most.
Posted: Mar 11, 2021 6:57 PM AT | Last Updated: March 11
Two-year-old Kennedy Corrigan suffered a massive brain injury on April 2, 2004, and died a week later at the IWK Hospital in Halifax.(Court exhibit)
The lawyer defending a northern New Brunswick man accused in the death of a two-year-old girl spent hours challenging two police officers who interrogated him 17 years ago.
James Turpin, now 41, is on trial for manslaughter in the April 2004 death of two-year-old Kennedy Corrigan at the home where she lived with her mother about 30 kilometres southeast of Fredericton. Officers lied to Mr. Turpin over the course of 18 hours, defence lawyer Nathan Gorham told the courtroom at the Fredericton Convention Centre on Thursday.
Posted: Mar 12, 2021 1:35 PM AT | Last Updated: March 12
Two-year-old Kennedy Corrigan suffered a massive brain injury on April 2, 2004, and died a week later at the IWK Hospital in Halifax.(Court exhibit)
The Court of Queen s Bench judge overseeing James Turpin s manslaughter trial has approved a withdrawal application to eliminate video footage and testimony as evidence from a November 2004 police interrogation.
This means hours of police interrogation footage and testimonies from at least three RCMP officers that were viewed earlier this week, will no longer be used in Turpin s trial.
The application, which was filed by the Crown, was approved by Justice Terrence Morrison following several technical glitches Friday morning. Because of COVID-19, almost all the Crown s witnesses have testified by video.