Sister Maureen Fay, president emerita of the University of Detroit Mercy, died May 27, 2021. She served as president of UDM for 14 years, from its inception in 1990 to her retirement.
Editor’s note: This article is part of The Conversation, a new initiative of America Media offering diverse perspectives on important and contested issues in the life of the church. Read more views on this issue linked at the bottom of this article.
Over 30 years ago,
America published articles by Thomas O’Meara, O.P., and the Rev. Matthew Lamb questioning whether theology departments at Catholic universities would be able to sustain the theological renewal underway since the Second Vatican Council. The situation was dire. Father O’Meara declared in 1990, “We are nearing a state of emergency in Catholic theological life in the United States.” If theology departments could not train the next generation of the theological guild, it would threaten the future of Catholic universities, for, as Father Lamb declared that same year, “Catholic theology is central to the
Lighting the way for others
In Pinnacle Lecture, Connell School of Nursing Dean Susan Gennaro offers thoughts on leadership, service, and the spirit of nursing
With her last semester as dean of the William F. Connell School of Nursing drawing to a close, Susan Gennaro spoke about the lessons she has learned about leadership, service, and nursing at the Spring 2021 Connell School Pinnacle Lecture.
During her March 30 talk, she shared how she decided to become the dean of the Connell School, a discernment process that reflected her Jesuit education. “It’s really about the mission and the values. Being able to understand [Boston College’s] mission and being able to really live it has been the most wonderful thing,” said Gennaro, a graduate of Le Moyne College.
WASHINGTON, April 7, 2021 – A coalition of 28 U.S. Catholic organizations is marking World Health Day by announcing unified support to encourage constituents and faith communities to accept vaccination as an act of charity and solidarity with others that will help prevent the spread of COVID-19 and build immunity against the virus.
The coalition is promoting vaccine equity in the U.S. and around the world, drawing on Catholic social teaching, for people who are underserved or marginalized. This includes communities of color, rural areas and others with limited vaccine availability in the U.S., as well as access for developing countries and among refugees and other displaced people who may not be citizens in their current home.
April 5, 2021 9:04 PM Connor Sarles
Young Kwak
Gonzaga fans react while watching the NCAA Final Four college championship basketball game between Gonzaga and Baylor during a watch party at the McCarthey Athletic Center in Spokane, Wash., Monday, April 5, 2021. (AP Photo/Young Kwak)
SPOKANE, Wash. It was a heartbreaking night for Spokane and beyond as Gonzaga fell to Baylor in the NCAA Championship. But in true Zags fashion, people were there to pick each other up.
“Only the very best make it to the title game, and our [Gonzaga Bulldogs] made us proud every step of the way,” tweeted Gonzaga president Thayne McCulloh. “Thank you all for supporting the Zags throughout this incredible season!”