The Stutsman County emergency management department seeking a department head and an assistant this spring. Written By: Keith Norman | ×
Jerry Bergquist
Applications have closed and the interviewing process is about to begin for the positions of Stutsman County emergency manager and assistant emergency manager, according to Jerry Bergquist, retiring Stutsman County emergency manager and 911 coordinator. Whoever they hire will have to hit the ground running, he said. The ground doesn t wait for you.
Bergquist had announced his intention to retire last year. In December, Kim Franklin, assistant emergency manager, resigned due to health issues.
Bergquist said he was not aware of any other time in Stutsman County history where the department head and the assistant to the department head positions were open at the same time.
Look at the preliminary hydrological outlook for the James River basin from the National Weather Service. Written By: Keith Norman | ×
Dry soil conditions and a lack of snow pack could reduce runoff this spring resulting in flows on the James River much below flood levels such as seen here this past spring. John M. Steiner / The Sun
The early flood outlook for the James River Basin might be considered dry reading, according to Allen Schlag, hydrologist for the National Weather Service in Bismarck. It is a big yawner, he said. Coming into winter we had a very benign December and now that is extending into January.