When you come down here to the Dunkirk pier, you’ll see many improvements the city has invested in, the beautiful waterfront here and, new this summer, businesses are popping up everywhere.
Jill Meaux became full-time director of planning and development for the city of Dunkirk at Tuesday’s Common Council meeting. The council tabled a motion to
Apr 24, 2021
Inaction by Dunkirk Common Council in December led to one potential development director to withdraw their name in December. That person obviously did not want to deal with the politics or some of the hostility that has been evident in the last 15 months.
However, the most recent action of delaying the appointment of Jill Meaux by removing the interim title from the position is just one more example of micromanaging by the elected officials. On Tuesday, council decided to table any action. Most said they wanted to meet with Meaux before making any decisions.
“I want to see if we can table this until I get a better handle on some of this stuff,” Third Ward Councilman James Stoyle stated. “I want to meet with you … about some situations.”
The resolution to name Jill Meaux as the new director of planning and development for the city of Dunkirk was tabled at Tuesday’s Common Council meeting to allow for the council members to inquire about a few other issues.
“I want to see if we can table this until I get a better handle on some of this stuff,” Third Ward Councilman James Stoyle stated. “I want to meet with you (Wednesday) or Friday about some situations.”
“We didn’t have time in our personnel committee to sit down and talk to you,” Councilman-at-large Paul VanDenVouver elaborated. “There’s a couple questions that have come up where the council wants to sit down, I don’t foresee any problems, but we’d just like to sit down and answer a couple of questions and get a little info on some things and we’ll bring it to the next Common Council meeting.”