Posted By: Nicole Rodriguez February 5, 2021 @ 8:13 am Coronavirus, Local News, News
The National Guard is running a COVID-19 mass vaccination site today at the Ozark Empire Fairgrounds in Springfield.
Two-thousand people are getting the shot.
A reminder – the state clinic is only open to people who signed up and were notified that they’re on the list to get the shot today.
Signups for the clinic in Springfield filled up earlier this week.
The state is running mass vaccination clinics this week in all nine of the Missouri Highway Patrol regions.
It’s so great to see Dr. Tom Prater, Dr. Alex Hover, Dr. Jim Blaine all volunteering this morning at the vaccination clinic. These are rock star physician veterans in our community. #417FinishStrong
Sen. Kathy Harrington, R-Gaston, doesn’t seem impressed at becoming the first female majority leader of the N.C. Senate.
She is one of the most powerful lawmakers in Raleigh. She sports a concealed-carry permit, and her daughter is a law enforcement officer. She listens more than she talks, and she doesn’t forget.
She is not someone to cross.
“She always fascinated me. She’s a whiskey-drinking, cigar-smoking, motorcycle-riding badass,” said Dylan Watts, political director at the N.C. Republican Senate Caucus. “She’s probably going to text me and say, ‘Dylan, what the hell?’”
The Senate is famous for how little is said on the floor. Compared to the House, it’s run with iron control. Describing its culture, Watts quoted the former majority leader and Democratic power broker Tony Rand: “Your enemy is not Democrat or Republican your enemy is the House.”
Julie Havlak
RALEIGH Sen. Kathy Harrington, R-Gaston, doesn’t seem impressed at becoming the first female majority leader of the N.C. Senate.
She is one of the most powerful lawmakers in Raleigh. She sports a concealed-carry permit, and her daughter is a law enforcement officer. She listens more than she talks, and she doesn’t forget.
She is not someone to cross.
“She always fascinated me. She’s a whiskey-drinking, cigar-smoking, motorcycle-riding badass,” said Dylan Watts, political director at the N.C. Republican Senate Caucus. “She’s probably going to text me and say, ‘Dylan, what the hell?’”
The Senate is famous for how little is said on the floor. Compared to the House, it’s run with iron control. Describing its culture, Watts quoted the former majority leader and Democratic power broker Tony Rand: “Your enemy is not Democrat or Republican your enemy is the House.”
Christmas was quiet; crab feed canceled
Skamokawa News
December 31, 2020
OFF AND ON As I begin this column, we re having some of that mixed weather where it sunshines one minute and rains the next and sometimes it does both at the same time! It looks like we are still in for some showers this week but it is mixed with some dry days at the beginning of this week, so we ll take what dry weather we can get. Of course clear skies usually mean freezing at night, so here s hoping you ve prepared your faucets properly for that, and your outside critters are getting some extra feed of good quality to help them fight off the chill. If current weather models hold, we will end 2020 with rain and start 2021 with the same thing; I do hope that s not a sign!