COVID complications claim Matt McCabe, owner of Saratoga Guitar; Saratoga music community loses a key player | The Daily Gazette
When credibility matters
SARATOGA SPRINGS– Matthew McCabe, owner of Saratoga Guitar, local musician and former city commissioner died earlier this week at 63 after suffering from complications with the coronavirus.
“The music community in Saratoga is small . . . and he was certainly one of the key players,” said Sarah Craig, the executive director of Caffe Lena. “He opened his shop on Caroline Street right around the time I moved to Saratoga and so I have always thought of him as one of the anchors of downtown. If you were involved in music in any way in Saratoga, you knew and worked with Matt and thought of him as a colleague.”
Missional theology wants to hold tensions in a balancing act
Scot McKnight Image: Cover Photo
Any reading of missional theology today intensifies the tensions of local context and continuity in the church. It is the genius of missional theology. It is also its problem. Just what one is to believe or even do are not spelled out with concreteness. Why? It can’t be done that way. That’s what missional theology is about.
There is much emphasis in particularity, or local expression of the gospel and mission. There is also a buy-in on unity and even theological affirmations, but many think unity is strained today and many think any appeal to unity is coercive. There is so much diversity – or Franke’s sense of plurality and manifold witness – that one can be forgiven for bypassing any meaningful sense of unity.
Thursday, January 7, 2021
Allen Matkins and Urban Land Institute (ULI) recently held a Capital Markets Roundtable discussion, in two parts, that featured several industry leaders. They shared insights regarding the effect that COVID-19 has had on capital markets, mainly in real estate, as well as their forecasts for 2021. Which sectors of the market are strong, and which should you avoid? What are the thoughts and strategies of some of the major players in real estate financing and investing?
The following are six takeaways from the discussion:
Despite the overall negative economic impact that COVID-19 has had, equity and credit markets have shown surprising strength and resilience. Although April unemployment rates were hovering around 15% and equity and credit markets plummeted, policymakers threw trillions of dollars at the problem in the form of aid programs, loans, additional unemployment insurance, and low
A theologian suggest Pentecost created multiplicity
Scot McKnight Image: Cover Photo
The first noticeable reality of Pentecost was that different people groups were speaking about God (and the gospel) in their own languages. The second reality is that they went home and carried that reality with them and began to form witness in new locations.
John Franke’s new book,
Missional Theology, calls all of this “missional multiplicity” and appeals to an older expression of his “manifold witness.” The essential ideas of this chapter are that gospel truth expresses God’s Truth in particular settings in particular ways while also being a faithful witness to the gospel.