Election judge Kate Daigle sanitizes a voting booth after its use during the primary election Aug. 18, 2020, at the Teton County/Jackson Parks and Recreation Center. A state legislative committee
Jackson Chamber unveils findings of staffing survey
JACKSON, Wyo. (KIFI) – In May, the Jackson Chamber of Commerce performed a survey – with input from the Teton County Housing Department - to collect data from approximately 250 members.
During the Business Over Breakfast on June 3, the Chamber presented the survey’s findings in conjunction with The Teton County Housing Department’s April Norton and The McPeak Group’s Brett McPeak.
To view a video of the BOB click HERE.
The vast majority of the businesses surveyed said housing difficulties are underpinning their struggle to find workers.
As a result of the survey, the Chamber is comprising a Business Housing Roundtable to shift the conversation from focusing on the challenges to explore ways to make improvements. There are currently approximately 100 businesses involved.
WYDOT: 50 mph on 22
The Wyoming Department of Transportation, Teton County and its residents have been debating what speed is right for a stretch of Highway 22. On Thursday, WYDOT announced a number thatâs higher than the countyâs ask but lower than what the state agency recommended this spring.
That number is 50 miles per hour, all year long. Thatâs the midpoint between the 45 mph year-round limit county commissioners requested and the 55 mph limit WYDOT initially said was appropriate.
The department plans to implement the new limit on the stretch of Highway 22 that runs from Spring Gulch Road to Emily Stevens Park on July 1 âor earlier.â
The end of May was rainy in Teton County, but that isn’t expected to change the federal drought forecast for the area and a potentially busy fire season.