This is the third time voters will see the substitute levy on the ballot.
The original levy was approved 15 years ago as an emergency levy. It was converted to a substitute levy in 2011. Voters later renewed it in 2016, he said.
Existing taxpayers will see no new taxes if the levy is approved, Porter said.
The substitute levy allows the district to capture tax revenue from new commercial and residential structures built in the district in years two through five of the levy s term, in addition to the $9.1 million it generates each year.
In a typical levy renewal, as new construction is added the amount current property owners pay would decrease.
Hoover High School will host a virtual open house for new and prospective families on Feb. 17.
Information about Hoover High School, course offerings and scheduling guidelines will be included in the presentation. The online open house will be available after 3 p.m. Feb. 17 at home.aspx.
For more information, contact the Hoover High School Guidance Department at 330-497-5627.
Enrollment information for the 2021-2022 school year is available online at For more information about tuition or the enrollment process, email the district at
Jackson Local kindergarten registration to begin
Registration for kindergarten at Jackson Local Schools will open Feb. 16.