Moderator: Ken Jimbo, Assistant Professor,
Faculty of Policy Management, Keio University /
and Senior Research Fellow,
The Canon Institute for Global Studies
Changes being brought by the new technologies are penetrating into every industry sector, including manufacturing, financial, medical, construction, retail and education, explained Jimbo. One estimate forecasts GDP growth of JPY 30 trillion (USD 265 billion) in Japan alone. Today, we are witnessing a convergence of the digital and physical worlds at an astonishing scale, he said. We can say it is a new industrial revolution after those that we first saw in the 18th century, then at the beginning of the 20th century and lately in the 1980s.
The Universal Postal Union (UPU) is launching Post4Health designed to catalyse the ability of Posts to help deliver COVID-19 vaccines and position the sector as an actor in global and national public health policies. The facility supports the engagement of Posts in the immediate vaccine response, as well as in COVID-19 related awareness, outreach and advocacy campaigns.
Editorial: Ethics scandal in Japan s comms ministry highlights need to reform cozy ties
March 5, 2021 (Mainichi Japan) New suspicions that officials from Japan s Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications were treated to expensive meals by figures in the communications industry have come to light. It has emerged that officials including Yasuhiko Taniwaki, vice minister for policy coordination at the ministry, dined with figures including the president of Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corp. (NTT) with some meal expenses covered. NTT s business and other projects are certified by the communications minister, and it is possible ministry officials violated the National Public Service Ethics Code, which prohibits officials from receiving entertainment from interested parties. The ministry has launched an investigation into the allegations.