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Gazette 7 July 2011
Land Registry drops e-transfer move
The Land Registry has shelved plans to introduce electronic transfers with e-signatures and written off nearly £11m spent developing the scheme. The registry said it had decided to put the development ‘on hold’ for the ‘immediate future’, while maintaining it was not abandoning work on electronic conveyancing.
5 July 2001
Online conveyancing will cut waiting time to three weeks
The regime of electronic conveyancing that will reduce the waiting period between handshake and contract from eight to three weeks should be in place by 2005, it was predicted last week.
3 July 1991
Mandatory life
The House of Commons rejected an attempt by the House of Lords to abolish the mandatory life sentence for murder. An amendment to the Criminal Justice Bill was defeated by a majority of 78.
입력 : 2021-07-02 12:10:08 ㅣ 수정 : 2021-07-02 12:10:08
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