Posted: Mar 05, 2021 7:10 PM AT | Last Updated: March 8
To help make up for revenue shortfalls caused in part by tax exemptions enjoyed by some houses on Rothesay s exclusive Park Drive and elsewhere, the town has increased tax rates on all property owners four times since 2013.(Roger Cosman/CBC)
Employees at Saint John Laundry ordered inside as fire alarm was going off
CUPE called Friday for an investigation into Saint John Laundry operations after employees were ordered inside the building while a fire alarm was going off.
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As Governments and businesses turn their minds toward the
recovery and re-opening of the economy, our team is closely
monitoring updates from governments across Canada. The following
summarizes the recovery and re-opening measures which have been
announced to date in each jurisdiction. We will continue to update
this summary as further measures are introduced across the
This roundup was last updated on February 19, 2021. To see what
has changed since our last update, please download our
blackline, here.
February 19, 2021: The Minister of
Employment, Workforce Development and Disability Inclusion
Tenants group delivers letter to the province demanding relief for renters
The NB Coalition for Tenants Rights is asking Premier Blaine Higgs for relief for tenants in the form of retroactive rent caps, a moratorium on evictions, and a rent bank fund for people struggling to pay the rent.
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It s gross negligence to not have acted on this already says Matthew Hayes of NB Coalition for Tenants Rights
Posted: Feb 09, 2021 5:23 PM AT | Last Updated: February 10
William Morisette has experienced some of the problems the NB Tenants Coalition is working to solve. He was given notice of a 62 per cent rent hike in October 2020 at his Moncton apartment building after it sold. It forced him and his family to move. (Guy Leblanc/CBC)