France: Police Expelling Migrant Children
Flout Child Protection, Immigration Rules
(Paris) French police summarily expel dozens of unaccompanied children to Italy each month in violation of French and international law, Human Rights Watch said today.
To enable the returns, the police frequently record on official documents different ages or birth dates than the children declared. The authorities have also summarily returned adults, including families with young children, without telling them they had a right to seek asylum in France. The French border police have no legal authority to decide who is and who is not under 18, said Bénédicte Jeannerod, France director at Human Rights Watch. Instead of making snap judgments based on appearance or caprice, border police should refer young people to child protection authorities for appropriate care.
« Consolidation d’un réseau transnational d’ONG spécialisées sur les migrations de travail
entre la Russie, l’Arménie, le Kirghizstan et l’Ouzbékistan (June 2021- January 2022
The purpose of the mission is :
to coordinate the partnership of 6 organizations working together as a regional network specialized in labour migration and involving Russia, Armenia, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan.
to facilitate their cooperation
The position can be based in Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia or Uzbekistan.
Under the overall responsibility of the Head of the Asia and Eastern Europe Department of the International Action and Advocacy Direction of the Secours Catholique - Caritas France,
Coordinator of the pilot regional programme: « Consolidation d’un réseau transnational d’ONG spécialisées sur les migrations de travail entre la Russie, l’Arménie, le Kirghizstan et l’Ouzbékistan (June 2021- January 2022)»
The purpose of the mission is :
to coordinate the partnership of 6 organizations working together as a regional network specialized in labour migration and involving Russia, Armenia, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan.
to facilitate their cooperation
The position can be based in Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia or Uzbekistan.
Under the overall responsibility of the Head of the Asia and Eastern Europe Department of the International Action and Advocacy Direction of the Secours Catholique – Caritas France,
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One of the great joys of working on Alaveteli is that we also get to meet and collaborate with all kinds of organisations around the world who care about transparency, helping them set up their own Freedom of Information websites on our open source codebase.
One such project is MaDada, the French FOI site which launched in the autumn of 2019, helping citizens navigate the bureaucracy around submitting a request for information. The name is a pun: ‘dada’ being a kids’ word for horse hence their equine logo.
Thanks to ongoing support from the Adessium fund, we’ve recently equipped MaDada with the ‘Pro’ add-on that allows journalists and other professional users of FOI to access specialised tools.