Exclusive: Here’s why Olivia Lux ‘appreciates’ negative Drag Race fans
“It felt really great to hear Mama Ru say that she was proud of me, and it makes me feel very hopeful for the future.”
Everyone’s favourite “polite diva” unfortunately sashayed on last week’s episode of Drag Race. But even though she has left our screens, Olivia Lux has started her drag legacy with a bang.
Since debuting in the Drag-verse back in January, Olivia won the hearts of Drag Race viewers around the world. From her show-stopping smile to her iconic runway looks, it’s safe to say that she made a lasting impression within the community.
A very special 100th birthday wish
By Tom Treece
Friday morning I will call her, as I do every March 8. She will answer with that spunky, happy “Hello?” that always makes me feel better than I did before I called.
I’ll then begin my personal, soulful version of “Happy Birthday” and she’ll wait until I’ve finished before giving me a heartfelt “Oh, thank you Tom!”
She knows the voice and knows I’ll be calling; she’ll also gush and say something like, “Oh, that Tom!” when the dozen red roses arrive later.
This particular birthday will be super-special, however, as Friday marks the 100th trip around the sun for my sweet and beautiful friend, Miss Olivia Chappell. I met her years ago through her daughter, Gwen, before becoming friends with her entire family.
Hot FM The current Texas economic condition, caused in part by COVID 19, has curtailed a grant in the amount of $60,000 earmarked for preservation efforts at the Ace of Clubs House. This has been our third attempt to garner preservation funds through the Texas Preservation Trust Fund Grant process for the historic 1885 Ace of Clubs House stated Velvet Cool, Board President for the Texarkana Museums System. This process is very competitive and requires applicants to submit an initial application and then, if invited to the second phase, a detailed project proposal. This year we were finally recommended for the maximum funding of $30,000 from the Texas Historical Commission. As this is a grant requiring a match by the museum system, we would have been able to tap into $60,000 to do some much needed work to the Ace of Clubs House.
Author: WBIR Staff Updated: 5:23 AM EST December 17, 2020
KNOXVILLE, Tenn. Prepared by Olivia Sipe of Miss Olivia s Table
1 package instant banana pudding mix
20 ounces crushed pineapple, undrained
8 ounces extra creamy cool whip
1 cup mini marshmallows
1/4 cup mini chocolate chips
2 bananas, sliced
1 (10 ounce) jar maraschino cherries, well drained, patted dry then sliced.
In a medium bowl, stir together pudding mix and pineapple. Fold in cool whip. Gently stir in remaining ingredients. Cover and chill until serving time.
Miss Olivia s Table is located at 1108 W. Broadway Avenue in Maryville.