John Quin
, April 3rd, 2021 09:26
John Quin admires Joan Didion’s late collection
Let Me Tell You What I Mean
Here’s Joan Didion on roving reporter mode at a Gamblers Anonymous meeting in Gardenia, the draw-poker capital of Los Angeles County. A penitent says their ideal, the aim of the programme, is “getting serenity”. Didion balks at that: she associates serenity with death. Joan doesn’t do
serenity: she’s been proven right in her anxieties for decades.
It’s 2021 and entirely appropriate to be nervous now. Didion, perhaps more than any other contemporary American writer, grasps the sadness in the deluded idea of the good life and
Acts 10:34, 37-43
34 Then Peter addressed them, I now really understand , he said, that God has no favourites,
37 You know what happened all over Judaea, how Jesus of Nazareth began in Galilee, after John had been preaching baptism.
38 God had anointed him with the Holy Spirit and with power, and because God was with him, Jesus went about doing good and curing all who had fallen into the power of the devil.
39 Now we are witnesses to everything he did throughout the countryside of Judaea and in Jerusalem itself: and they killed him by hanging him on a tree,
40 yet on the third day God raised him to life and allowed him to be seen,
Nicholas Burman
, April 3rd, 2021 09:26
While Robert Crumb’s style and dedication to his generation’s underground comix artists has inspired a huge array of artists from a variety of backgrounds and of numerous identities, for decades his depictions and framing of women and his adoption of racist stereotypes have been under fire
Crumb’s World, 2021. Photo by Alex Casto. Courtesy of David Zwirner Books
In 2016 Fantagraphics, who have republished much of Crumb’s work, released a book about its own history titled
We Told You So: Comics as Art, and the appearance of Crumb’s work in the context of the art book market (
5. Amazon previously looked into opening discount stores for electronics and home goods. The retail giant considered creating stores to sell leftover warehouse items, Bloomberg reported. While the internal talks have been stalled, a physical Amazon store could be perilous for brick-and-mortar electronics companies.
6. Digital fashion companies are aiming to disrupt the industry. From NFTs to digital garments you can buy online and get fitted to your photos, fashion is being digitized. We spoke to a digital fashion house to better understand the crypto-clothing industry. This is what they told us.
7. Microsoft will make mixed-reality headsets for the US army. The tech company landed a multimillion-dollar contract to make headsets used in training and in the field. See how soldiers could use the headsets.